writing & directing

I love well told stories. Stories that touch and entertain. And I love movies, where I get the impression that all the stops were pulled out to tell them as good and authentic als possible. Artistically as well as technically.
When I write a story or a script, I need to have the feeling that I absolutely want to see that film or read that book myself. It´s the same thing with directing.
I mostly prefer unusual, bold and sometimes provokative subjects you haven´t seen on the screen before in the way they are presented.
Developing characters, creating new worlds, writing proper dialogues, devising a clever dramathurgy and crafting storys are generally some of my most beloved passions.

Filmprojects (excerpt)
(films and trailers in the "links & media" section)

ASLAN (2015)
directed by: Florian Metzner
written by: Erkan Acar, Florian Metzner, Ronny Wagner

via falsa Teaser (2013)
directed by: Florian Metzner & Helge Balzer
written by: Florian Metzner

aQua ad lavandum - in brevi (2008)
directed by: Florian Metzner & Helge Balzer
written by: Florian Metzner & Helge Balzer

LUDUS (2000)
directed by: Florian Metzner & Helge Balzer
written by: Florian Metzner & Helge Balzer